This is from the Op-Ed page of The New Indian Express, Feb 29th , 2009. I just wanted to add this piece to my blog today. It is written by the noted writer S Gurumoorthy on his views about the cause of the recession in the West. We need to note that Indian youth are also trying to ape the West and the only thing that has been a strength to India is it’s culture and traditions, it’s Family values and controlled “human rights.”
Few Excerpts:
“So the idea of very loose human rights and uncontrolled personal freedom that have led to social and cultural degeneration are increasingly seen as the cause of the present economic crisis.”
“Came an even more mad response to Muthalik’s take on Valentine’s Day by Arundhati Roy sermonising to youths.She said “I support every kind of love, heterosexual, homosexual, transgender, marital, extramarital”.. Why she left out incest from her catalogue of love is not clear. The current Indian stand on individual and human rights is more like the west, which tends to smuggle in even gay and lesbian rights.. As India attempts to copy the West, it clearly forgets about the serious economic issues that has shattered the West, thanks to its obsession with unfettered individual and human rights. But however nowadays Many in the West have started to realise that continuously undermining not following the moral and social order has led to the present economic crisis.”
The rise of unfettered individualism and undefined feminism have led to the erosion of families and a rise in divorces, singleparent families, unwed mothers, lesbians, gays and almost the collapse of traditional families. Over 50 per cent of the first marriages, 67 per cent of the second marriages, and 74 per cent of the third marriages end in divorce in the US. Over 40 per cent of births are outside wedlock. Almost half of the families are headed by a single parent. The number is more in most of Europe. It was seen as cultural erosion first. But slow ly it has turned into an economic disaster. This in the west hasled to low or no household savings, high personal debt, credit card based living, outsourcing of household functions including kitchen work. The result is that the government is bankrupt.”
“morality supports economics; lack of it ruins economies”
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