Yeah ! Like the flower that is unique , she is my only one. Even before birth we knew each other and thats why I say we are from the same place. She is my little sister, my exact contradiction.
She wants me to call her Priya coz she feel that Im more closer to her then.
But now she is far away and it has been some months since I saw her. But I yearn to be near her when she is far away , but when she comes it is not the same. We have a lot of quarrels and misunderstandings..... But in the end we are one. It is a true mystery.

Poppy is like a sharp pencil.
It pains when pricked !!
It seems useless from outside, but
inside is covered.
Inside is the most precious and remember..
it requires frequent sharpening !!!
It is Indispensable and nothing else is as it.
Oh yeah Poppy..so hope u understood what I have understood about you all through the years coz I think I am the person- the proud being, who has been with you most of the time. So I think this is true - You are the best any person can get in this world coz you love them like hell... but when it gets wrong , then you are on the exteme , towards the other end.....
any ways.... God has given me the best in you ... I love you Poppy
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