Monday, July 27, 2009
I am given a new responsibility - handing classes for the final years - lecturing on a purely theoretical yet interesting, completely tedious and mind- numbing subject - Industrial Organization and Management.
I have decided to ask them more questions and make them think rather than theoretical lessons. We have some fun sessions also to boggle the minds of this intelligent bunch of people. My class notes are published weekly on a new blog :
The main aim of designing that blog is just to make sure that STUDENTS feel comfortable with my class notes, i.e. every detail which I discuss in class has been portrayed there point wise.
So that is not a site which gives any detail information for in depth study and research but a page which provides a site into my lecture notes.
I hope students are benefited in some way or the other through the blog.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My Little son,Gabby
Gabby’s lenient, easy going and ever smiling grandfather who was a like strict military officer until Gabby’s birth is always on Gabby’s side, supporting and comforting Gabby when he gets scolded and punished. Gabby acts as though he has not heard any thing when my husband scolds him hard and takes advantage of his grandmother and runs to her as though she is his entire world. I had left him alone in the dining hall just for a few minutes and when I came back I noticed that he had broken all the tea mugs one by one and was fiddling with the glass pieces. My husband got very furious at him and started to scold him, but he acted as though he did not hear a word what was said.
Recently we set up a new aquarium in our living room with 12 new golden fish. Gabby was around it 24/7. Unable to reach it because we had set it a little higher from the floor, he was very upset. But still he was amused and always thought about it.Before sleep he used to say these two words- Mee- Mee and as soon as he gets up in the morning he repeats the same words. Now he has grown a little taller and is capable of climbing onto the sofa to reach the aquarium and his hands are always on the water. Trying to hold the fish, sometimes taking it alive out and then putting it back again, trying to take out the pebbles and all mischievous things with the aquarium. I wonder when he is going to give a farewell for it once and for all.
I must add that even at this age he has a keen interest in music and keeps his ears open to good songs. He pauses when there is good music around and tries to imitate sometimes. In the evenings when I paint, he watches me closely and tries to hold the brush and paint as well. We all applaud and congradulate him when he kicks the ball with a bend professionally….. it is a real joy that God has blessed us with.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sleepy Confessions:
Today in class room when am lecturing I hate some students who fall asleep and some of them are deep in sleep even before I enter as though they worked in rice mills the previous night. I justify my anger because I have worked hard to prepare my lecture notes so that they can score high.
But when I think about my student life I should confess that all this mischief was certainly a part of mine too. By the grace of God I was able to be a university Gold medalist in graduation with the help of my parents, teachers and friends, but I have to admit that I was NOT A TOTAL BOOK WORM. I loved to sleep in the hostel after lunch even though I had exams the next day and never liked to do mathematical problems in class room when the lecturer teaches. In class rooms sometimes when it is a really boring class like CIM or OM, mostly all of us feel sleepy and we end up pinching each other when the lecturer turns toward the board..
Especially in the morning, first hour I used to feel very tired and that was for no reason at all. My back bench people used to sleep off the first hour and be energized in the next. But I used to somehow manage to sit awake in the first hour but in the second and the third, I couldn’t help my eyelids shutting down by themselves. Holding hard on the bench some times sitting upright I have fallen asleep.
Exactly at 10.45 AM my bench mate Padu and myself used to open our purses and pull out a 10 rupee note each so that as soon as our lecturer goes out of the borrring class room we can run out to the canteen for a short break( which normally is long and we enter the next class evidently late).
The canteen would always be buzzing with activity and the smell of hot bajjis would drag us before we quench our eagerness. Chatting with seniors and discussing about a desalination project or reengineering, we would just sit in the canteen for the next 10 to 15 minutes landing late to class. Now it would not be just the two of us who are late comers but some of our other friends also. Pushing one against the other some how we would apologize and manage to get into the class… ready for the next nap.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Mystified in Mysteries
The funny thing about life is that
When you are too good,
Then you are branded a nut or a dumb.
If you are cautious you are called a chaloo.
If you are trying to be sufficient and sovereign,
Then you are called self-centered.
If you are saving money then you are called a miser;
Spending then a lavish or spendthrift.
If you are religious you are called a fanatic,
And if you are an atheist, you are called agnostic.
If you are romantic you are called a lunatic; talkative, then a flirt.
When assertive they call you rude,
When dignified they call you a head weight.
If you sleep when you want to, they call you lazy,
When you are awake when they sleep, they call you tireless or bookworm.
If you dress up colorful they call you glamorous,
And if you are professional they call you dull.
If you are thinking for some time, they call you a day dreamer,
And if you are listening they call you silent.
Though they say all this, none is there when in need
Neither in deed, not even to heed.
But mostly we end up worrying what others think about us and what they say about us
Why the hell is all this happening !!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Explored the Millionaire
Yesterday at
Last week when I had watched it for the first time it unquestionably entertained me but did not keep happy my expectations of an Oscar awarded movie. After watching movies like “Roja” and “Nayakan” any body would have felt the same considering music or direction. Shoba De had termed it as a Class in the interview she had given to NDTV lately. I wanted to know the bits and pieces again. So I did the exploration yesterday and it was really a worth. The very thing which I understood and which kept me mused was that – Jamal the Slumboy and Chaiwala who did not read as we did in schools is taught by life which once was a challenge to him. We are taught by the books we read but he is taught by the life he lives- on streets, spit, and “everything else”. Taught about money, life and love and that true love is the greatest power.
Yeah Ms Pinto was super and Lil Latika sweet. More than young Jamal, Young Salim has done a good job and that’s why I felt they have projected him during Oscars. The real Juhu slum has been portrayed in its own rustic ways and the people described bucolic.
Even though the happy ending is a hyped commercial one, it makes it all the more enjoyable and a lingering one. It is more than worth a see.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Come Elections
Are we here to say irresponsibly “politics is not my cup of tea”, or with sheer negligence “who cares about elections”??
And we may complain about corruption or scams though we live in a free India where we have the right to choose any party and even the right to change our leaders. We don’t have any autocrats or dictators to rule us and neither is our nation in any kind of an emergency or war. We are all living in such blessed times where we have a proper roof above our heads and good food to eat. But definitely the Indian youth are apathetic about the elections and engrossed in some other personal or professional occupation of their choice. Unless the educated youth vote for the leadership of this great nation, development would be just a dream. Considering the plight of the political parties they are up and new with a lot of promises and projections. Congress boasts about it’s youth full strength in people like Rahul Gandhi and Omar Abdullah while BJP is trying to be youthful through it’s popular website The rights for usage of the Oscar winning song” Jai Ho” has been purchased by the Congress but BJP is already playing it claiming that the song belongs to the whole nation. Split ups like BJP-BJD alliance and thin loves like UPA- SP might be a melancholic drama just for time being…though anything can happen anytime.
The election ID card procedure might be a long and tedious one and the Election Day a pain day of going to the poll station. But it will provide stability to the Government and the nation. All you need to do is stand in the queue and exercise your right. Think about the times you have stood a queue for getting an item of your choice. So for getting a government of your choice the pain is worth taken.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Next Page
Ha Ha so blogging has become my interest for now, I never know for how long but this is cool…. Instead of just wasting time chatting and having fun, this is good. And now that many have started to read and have given me both praises and criticisms, I feel all the more encouraged to write frequently. Yesterday I was discussing with few authorities about my educational blog in which I can have my class notes and teaching lectures published. So that’s nice for some who can easily access the net. I thought I shouldn’t confuse that with this and I am preparing for that also. Don’t know really when it will go online but definitely in the near future.
Home on the Ranges:
The following if you read

Since my father served as a field officer in the Tatas, I have spent the major part of my childhood days in these ranges. Chunduvarrai, where I was born is where my memory has faded about. But we lived in the PR division- PR stands for Paradise region and my mother says our house was on top of a hill and the clouds passed just below out feet. It was very scarcely populated and still it is the same and even today, only few have heard about this spectacular place. When I was young I remember my dad used to toil day and night because the company was building its first innovative Tea factory there- called Super Factory. I had to come down four kilometers to board my School bus early in the morning to take me to Kinder Garden in High Range School – The only English School at that time.
Then my father got transferred to Letchmi Estate where

About Vagavurrai I remember most of it because it was total fun and I had very less time ti study but play. We had to travel about 2 hours in the morning

(Ahhh.. I should have scanned some of my old snaps that were clicked at that time… I‘ll do that soon and add them so that you can get a glimpse of the place).

In the Vicinity of summer:
The yellow sunrise falls afresh
On the tender grass lands gird
The dawn is lit and the spring is set
As the song of birds are heard
So there is a strong Aroma
Of creepers, leaves and buds,
There’s also gatherings far and near
Of butterflies, bees and birds
Lakes and ponds seem nearer now
For every eye that beholds
Water runs like silver flowing
Before it cools and moulds
The tarry tale of new born beetles
Is heard in every corner
The sound is clear as we move nigh
They are red and green in color
White and pink are mountain lilies
Blooming all the way
Bright as light, their faces smile
As they bend themselves in array
The mountain moor is seen from afar
The sunset’s seen, the glimpse is green
As the falling rays are rays of hope
They spread like sheets serene.
Silent Valley…
It is not the Silent Valley in the district of Palakkad but the one next to Guderale Estate. We lived there for four years – four long years in my teens which were so very silent but yet romantic, so very cold but not calm, just like a life in the counties of England. The winter was bitter all the years and the river next to my house had even frozen. Spring was pleasant and enjoyed one of the best climates in the world during spring. Literally there was no summer due to the heavy growth of the vegetation and thick Forests. Fishing, Cycling and playing on the bank was real fun as we had some good friends from the near by hills to visit us often. I would always compare it with Thrush Cross Grange in the “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte’.
Then we live in Mattupatty very next to the dam itself. Every morning I would rise up to see the silver stream leading to a large silver pool – The dam. We had a variety of flowering plants those days and the rose garden was the best we ever had. Elephants frequented my house and European and Siberian Birds nested below my house. Because of the marshy atmosphere animal life was predominant and the environment was always noisy. But we enjoyed every bit of it. All through the years in the ranges our life was very simple and with very less technology but we felt that we did not miss out anything in life
For each of our need we had to come to Munnar town and we had to wait for hours to get a jeep or any mode of transport for that matter. But still it was easy and never boring because every thing around us was so very natural and happening.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Roman soldiers stripped Him naked.
The Roman soldiers stripped Him naked, beat Him hard, scourged His back, and squeezed His blood out, put a crown of thorns, set an ugly cross on His back and made Him carry it up the skull shaped Golgotha Hill.
After He was crucified Pharisees spat and wittered peevishly, elders murmured, friends ran away and helpless women cried out of sympathy. Jesus hung between life and death, heaven and earth, pain and Glory as a sinner, lonely on the cross; blood and water poured out of His veins and the piercing cold was getting bitter as the night darkened. Finally He was left all alone to die and the gushing angry soldier’s spear pierced His side to confirm His death.
My Savior died to take me home to live with Him forever more. He died to give us an eternal life. He died for the sake of our sickness, shame, sin and bondage. His life not only is a bridge between BC and AD, but also between the sinful man and a Holy God. Some people think He is a Prophet, some say He is a Great Teacher. Some dismiss him as a liar or even a lunatic. Millions hail him as Savior and Lord. Whatever people think of him, nobody can deny that he stands at the very center of human history
The biblical record of his life shows that Jesus was born to a virgin, lived a sinless life, taught throughout
If you have not yet felt that this piece of writing is highly boring or falsely influential then you have good news today. Through all your toil and troubles His light shines. His peace surpasses all understanding.
When I was young I mocked at miracles and questioned about a Human portrayed as God and Savior. But gradually I was put through a lot of circumstances and tribulations, sickness and problems – family and financial. I was left with no choice but to trust in the Lord with all my heart and not on my own understanding. When the doctors had given hope after my father’s kidneys failed and there was no medicine to cure him because he was drug allergic, I had no choice but to sit, weep and pray. The Lord did a miraculous healing and the records of Medical Trust Hospital- EKM say that it is a medical miracle. He was able to walk upright in just a week. That changed my whole life. After that all through I have seen a lot more of miracles- personal and professional. Jesus does not promise a bed of roses all the time, but hope for the new day, mercy when everything seems obscure and peace that is everlasting. His mercy each time tells me that He died and rose again.
Paul says “we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed and all things work together for good for those who love the Lord”
As a new dawn after a long night, we arise along with the risen Christ. The angry soldier’s gushing spear made blood and water fall on earth from the body of Christ to touch the ground one time that night. The book “Road to
So remember death was not God’s plan for us. Abundant and eternal life is what Jesus came to bring. But Faith is the key.
Monday, March 9, 2009
A Tribute To Koramangala
5th Cross, Venkatapura Layout, Koramangala First block. This was where I spent three years of my
That place was really different and truly incisive. A mixture of cultures and traditions– Kannadigas ,Tamilians, Malayalis, Brahmins, Burmeese, Manipuris, Biharis, and lots more….all travel the same one main (slushy) road which leads to the Sri Sagar Hotel – The most important landmark. The Sri Sagar Hotel is smaller than a Panchayat bus station and at least seventy people can dine a time standing around the tables.
When it is raining the entire Venkatapura becomes a muddy swamp and the cross roads are void of people, but water. When it is sunny the sky is flamboyant and dramatic; there are hundreds of thousands of people on the roads….either shopping, or taking a walk on the silent Police Quarters roads, or heading to the Busy Forum Mall which is just ten minutes away from Nenkatapura. There is an English medium school, a hospital, a post office and a bus station. You can put out your fingers and count the number of shops on the main road but you can buy whatever you need from them. Clothes, Sweets, Medicines, Vegetables, Fruits, and even hot onion Bajjis from the street hawkers. In the evening up to even eight, the place is full of activity. You can’t stay inside doors because you are pushed out to the streets where people are celebrating a festival- be it Magar Snakriti, diwali, Ganesh Chaturti, Christmas,or Ramzan every day is a celebration and every body is outside celebrating.
In the early days when I was just getting used to life in Bangalore I used to wonder why God put me in such a crowded and busy place when there were lot more good residential areas with highly trimmed lawns , cool and clean nature and better infrastructure. My dear friend Arthini was gracious to find out a place for me to stay in Venkatapura and I had to stay on the first floor of a beautiful house. My roommates had the same taste as mine for food, and nature and we enjoyed the weekends dining out or going for a movie. Slowly I got used to the place and people and understood that it would have been very difficult for me incase I was put in the middle of a glassy building which only had cement and stone but no life.
This place was full of life, there was no space annulled, and it was always sun-drenched and luminous. Just sitting on my balcony I have spent four to six hours without getting bored. As a bellwether, the pressures of office work and the hectic nature of my job wanted that kind of a relaxing in which the ephemera of day to day life gradually changed. Thanks Koramangala……
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Family values and controlled “human rights.”
This is from the Op-Ed page of The New Indian Express,
Few Excerpts:
“So the idea of very loose human rights and uncontrolled personal freedom that have led to social and cultural degeneration are increasingly seen as the cause of the present economic crisis.”
“Came an even more mad response to Muthalik’s take on Valentine’s Day by Arundhati Roy sermonising to youths.She said “I support every kind of love, heterosexual, homosexual, transgender, marital, extramarital”.. Why she left out incest from her catalogue of love is not clear. The current Indian stand on individual and human rights is more like the west, which tends to smuggle in even gay and lesbian rights.. As
The rise of unfettered individualism and undefined feminism have led to the erosion of families and a rise in divorces, singleparent families, unwed mothers, lesbians, gays and almost the collapse of traditional families. Over 50 per cent of the first marriages, 67 per cent of the second marriages, and 74 per cent of the third marriages end in divorce in the
“morality supports economics; lack of it ruins economies”
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The River of Hope
There is a beautiful song by Don Moen – The River of Love.
The following is an inspiration from the lines of this song:
“If anyone is thirsty, let him come on in,
If he drinks the living waters, he will never thirst again”
Every body is selfish, every body feels that they themselves are only good and serving others; all are short tempered, never grateful to God and mankind, nobody is truly in love with anybody. Is this the real spirit of life? Is this the gentleness of Creation? Is this how Humans should live in this beautiful and vast world? The space is large and the resources are plenty. There are tall mountains, and huge green forests. The grass lands are sprinkled with colorful flowers and tress are decorated with tasty fruits. The rivers are silver lined and the ocean is elegantly blued. And there are many more things to be added when I speak about the beauty of this earth. But why is it not beautiful every moment and this life on it happy always?
The World that we see now is just a stage as Shakespeare described. Each day is a new play and we are given a new role. It can be a happy one or a sad one but everybody gets a chance at all. The rich or the poor, the week or the strong, the dumb or the bright, all have joy and sorrow in equal measure. Be it
This life is very short, and it is actually not the real life but “Test of Life”. Test for the real life that lies behind, the scene. Some times we remember that there is a God above but mostly we forget about Him. But He remembers us every second and wants us to know that He is there for us even unto the extreme. If you feel this is boring and there are better things to do than read this Poem that follows, don’t worry you can close this page….but surely you will get a chance to know about it because this is not some sort of a preaching the Gospel or some kind of reaching out to the poor – But just a place to share the real experiences of a life that has been changed, a life that is true, a life with a meaning.
This Poem is another revelation of the differences between the mortal and the immortal – It is for everybody to read.
For the rivers of this world, flow into the ocean and become nothing one day,
In vain do they flow -Their might is no more, their plight is no more
For the river of His love flows gently from the throne, into us when we pray,
Whatever we sow, whatever we reap His River is there to harvest the heap
What a mighty one, what a gentle one. The song of it is a true melody
The song of it is a true melody
For the Wind of this world comes from the west and blows to the east,
When murmur is more and the pain is more, the wind cares not but yet blows
The Wind that blows when the Lord speaks, turns the heart and tunes the tide
Heals the sick and mends the broken, soothes the pain and frees the captive
Wherever it blows, the voice of my Lord – like a gentle breeze is a true melody
Like a gentle breeze is a true melody
For the Light of this world are from the sun and the moon and the twinkling stars,
They think they are great; greater to reach, greater by time, greater by distance.
For great is the Lord greater to gaze, who created them all and holds them in place.
Where there is darkness, the light of His love, shines brighter than sun, whiter than snow.
Fairer than lilies that bloom on the hills, the light of His Love is brighter than all.
The light of His Love is brighter than all
For the fire in the woods burn day and night, that fire is hot, that fire is bright
In vain does it burn, to consume the wrath and things of men and hills untouched?
They quench their thirst by burning to ash all trees and grass, and all in a mass
But what is their glory, nothing but ash, crushed to the depths, deepened by dust
Flames of the Spirit that comes down from heaven, refreshes the mind, refines the soul
Refreshes the mind, refines the soul
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Poppy - the only one.

Yeah ! Like the flower that is unique , she is my only one. Even before birth we knew each other and thats why I say we are from the same place. She is my little sister, my exact contradiction.
She wants me to call her Priya coz she feel that Im more closer to her then.
But now she is far away and it has been some months since I saw her. But I yearn to be near her when she is far away , but when she comes it is not the same. We have a lot of quarrels and misunderstandings..... But in the end we are one. It is a true mystery.

Poppy is like a sharp pencil.
It pains when pricked !!
It seems useless from outside, but
inside is covered.
Inside is the most precious and remember..
it requires frequent sharpening !!!
It is Indispensable and nothing else is as it.
Oh yeah hope u understood what I have understood about you all through the years coz I think I am the person- the proud being, who has been with you most of the time. So I think this is true - You are the best any person can get in this world coz you love them like hell... but when it gets wrong , then you are on the exteme , towards the other end.....
any ways.... God has given me the best in you ... I love you Poppy
Monday, February 16, 2009
Only for the needful !!!
Think of a super strong balloon, fully blown and thrown up into the air, widely seen by many across the miles...... Is it owned by any...? Does it have a contender? Is there any limit to it's flight or do we know its limits? Neither do we know if it exists at all at one point? So is this life on our earth.
I know that I surely sound like a Hermit - A desert Dweller or a person who lives to some greater or lesser degree in isolation from society, but thats ok... may be I am one for some ...and Thanks for your observance...
Life is so very short. Just maybe 70 or 80 years to the max? Dont know...and already I have lived more than a quarter of this !!!...Oh God, just gone like yesterday. What have I contributed? What have I achieved? Have I ever touched the life of one person among the millions I have met in my life? Have I ever made a change in atleast one life out of the many? Have I ever tried to lighten a dark soul or atleast mend a broken relationship? mostly the answer is no becasue we only get time to think about ourselves and fight for ourselves....
If you have the same questions running in your mind, please continue to read on.
First thought to enlighten yourself - Dont have self pity--- It is a silent killer !!!
Teach your self to look up in times of trouble instead of looking inside yourself.
Think about the others who dont have what you have.
Second- Count your blessings. If you normally have 2 meals a day, blessed with a Father or Mother, and have a roof above your head when it is raining - then you are luckier than most of the others outside whom you dont know or Dont see because you are busy with something blessed.
Third- Try to feel that each day is a new day, a new day has a new Blessing. In turn you have to be a blessing to someone or something.
Fourth- Be slow in picking up a quarrel. Patience is not extint..It is always next door. You should not forget to knock that whenever needed.
Fifth- Never Gossip. It is noted that in a human network, everybody has gossiped aganst eah other- be it friend or fear. You need to be different !!! And please not " it is true that walls have ears" and one day you will be caught.
Incomplete ....
The Shadow of His light !!!
In valleys dark or mountains high, He teaches me the depths of life and the truth behind real success -True Love.
There is nothing greater than love and He teaches me to Love unconditionally and accept all unconditionally.....
Life is so simple but so beatiful.
It is with His light that I can see through the darkness of everything else.....